Uses and features 1. The machine is applicable for large factories to use blade mould to do continuous and big quantity cutting for such non-metal materials as carpet, leather, rubber, fabric and so on. 2. PLC is equipped for conveyor system. Servo motar hawa kayan da za a shigo daga wannan gefen injin; Bayan an rage kayan ana isar da su daga wannan gefen don ingantaccen abu ya isar da aiki da aiki mai santsi. Conveyor length can be easily adjusted by the tou...
Uses and features The machine is suitable for cutting nonmetal materials such as wallet assembly, small toys, decoration, leather bags accessories and so on with small die cutter. 1. Rotation na juyawa hannu yana da sassauƙa, da kuma aikin aiki da kayan abu ya dace. 2. Babban ingancin baƙin ƙarfe mara kyau ana ɗaukar su kuma ana sarrafa su cikin ramuka, waɗanda ke tallafawa subation da ingantacciyar amincin farko. 3. The switch is o...
Uses and features The machine is used to cut vamps, soles, leather, rubber, chemical fibre, hard paper and cotton fabrics. 1. Yi amfani da tsarin latricating na atomatik wanda ya ba da mai don rage abartad da abar hakoma da kuma tsawanta rayuwar gidan. 2. Yankin Yankin lantarki na lokaci-lokaci yana sarrafa kasan bugun jini, wanda yake yin daidai da babban kuma yana da ingancin takalmi. Daidaita tsawo na juyawa hannu ban da tebur mai aiki don yin aiki kawai, abin dogara da dacewa. Hydraulic...
Uses and features The machine is suitable for cutting nonmetal materials such as wallet assembly, small toys, decoration, leather bags accessories and so on with small die cutter. 1. Rotation na juyawa hannu yana da sassauƙa, da kuma aiki da kayan zaɓi ya dace. 2. Babban ingancin baƙin ƙarfe mara kyau ana ɗaukar su kuma ana sarrafa su cikin ramuka, waɗanda ke tallafawa subation da ingantacciyar amincin farko. 3. The switch is op...
Uses And Features The machine is mainly suitable for cutting the materials such as rubber, plastic, paper-board, fabric, chemical fibre and other materials, which is a wide format and be roll material, with shaped blades. 1. Yi amfani da silinda biyu da Gantry daidaitawa da kuma daidaita hanyoyin haɗin yanar gizo don tabbatar da zurfin yankan a cikin kowane yanki yankewa. 2. Have setting structure especially, which makes adjustment of stroke safe and accurate coordinating with cutting force and cutting height...
Uses and features The machine is mainly suitable for cutting one layer or layers of leather, rubber, plastic, paper-board, fabric, chemical fibre, non-woven and other materials with shaped blade. 1. Dalilin tsarin Gantry Tsarin, don haka injin yana da ƙarfi da kuma kiyaye siffar. 2. Shugaban da aka shirya zai iya motsawa ta atomatik, don haka filin gani cikakke ne kuma aikin bashi lafiya. 3. Return stroke of the platen can be set arbitrarily to reduce idle stroke and improv...
Uses and features The machine is used to cut leather, rubber, plastic, paperboard, cloth, sponge, nylon, imitation leather, PVC board and other materials with shaped die cuter in processing leather, producing cloth, case and bag, package, toys, Stationry, Kaya da sauran masana'antu. 1. Adopt the structure of four-column and double cylinder to reach the high tonnage when cutting and save the energy. 2. Cutting force is lasting force, which is suitable for cutting rubber trade specia...
Uses and features The machine is used to cut leather, rubber, plastic, paperboard, cloth, sponge, nylon, imitation leather, PVC board and other materials with shaped die cuter in processing leather, producing cloth, case and bag, package, toys, Stationry, Kaya da sauran masana'antu. 1. Yi amfani da tsarin tsarin-shafi huɗu da daidaituwa da daidaitawa da daidaitawa na crank don tabbatar da yankan yankan kowane yanki. 2. Use double-cylinder driven to achieve the cutting power o...
Uses and features The machine is mainly suitable for cutting nonmetal materials such as leather, plastic, rubber, canvas, nylon, cardboard and various synthetic materials. 1. The principal axis is adopted automatic lubricating system which supplies oil to prolong the service life of the machine. 2. Operate by both hands, which is safe and reliable. 3. The area of cutting pressure board is large to cut large-sized materials. 4. The depth of cutting power is set to be simple and accurate. ...
Uses and features The machine is mainly suitable for cutting one layer or layers of leather, rubber, plastic, paper-board, fabric, chemical fiber, non-woven and other materials with shaped blade. 1. Dalilin tsarin Gantry Tsarin, don haka injin yana da ƙarfi da kuma kiyaye siffar. 2. Shugaban da aka shirya zai iya motsawa ta atomatik, don haka filin gani cikakke ne kuma aikin bashi lafiya. 3. Return stroke of the platen can be set arbitrarily to reduce idle stroke and improv...